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Heinemo Radio
1. Century 21 – Seiki Electronics Inc.
2. Collins R-392 US army receiver
3. Comax Telereader CD670
4. Communication receivers to rescue
5. DRAKE MS-4 speaker
6. The famous Drake R7 and speaker MS7
7. The scarce Drake MSR-2
8. DRAKE RR-1 Communications (Marine Reserve) Receiver
9. EREF EE-800 FM receiver/scanner
10. EWE-antenna
11. Hallicrafters S-40
12. Hammarlund SP-600 JX-21
13. ICOM IC-R70
14. Kenwood QR-666
15. The astonishing Kenwood R-5000!!
16. Lafayette HA-520
17. Lafayette HA-55A
18. Marconi Communication Receiver 100/8
19. RCA AR-88D
20. Reception Set R208
21. TRIO 9R-4J
22. TRIO 9R59DS receiver
23. TRIO SP-5DS speaker
24. Yaesu FRG-9600
25. Yaesu FRT-7700 antenna tuner
26. Other collector items
27. About me
28. Planned Loop-antenna/RF-AMP
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